(Answer) Educational Practices


Many school districts provide different opportunities for parent education, and as an educational psychologist, you may be asked to speak to parent groups on a variety of topics. Drawing on your experiences in other courses and this course, you will prepare a brief presentation for a school’s The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA®). Some school systems may call their group a Parent-Teacher Organization or something similar.

These groups typically meet on a regular basis during the school year, and exist to support the educational mission of the school. For this month’s PTA meeting, you have been asked to provide a presentation on one of the following topics:

1. Self-efficacy
2. A topic of your choice that is directly related to learning theory

you should include one outside best practice or research study to support your presentation

For this Assignment, you will choose the grade level where you will be speaking (elementary, middle, or high school). You will prepare an outline or graphic organizer of your presentation and a reflection on the development of the presentation.

1. Integration of the best practice or research article to support the presentation.
2. Brief definition of the topic: historically how it has changed and what is the situation today.
3. The importance of the topic to learning.
4. Specific, relevant information that a parent could use.

The reflection should include:

1. Why you chose the topic.
2. The type of follow-up you would provide to the school, based on your topic.
3. What you would do differently if you modified the presentation. This assignment address the following unit learning.

Identify research base strategies to improve the learning environment.


Parent Group Presentation

Parental self-efficacy (PSE) is the notion that a person has the knack of performing parenting activities successfully. The concept is a crucial factor in parenting quality (Vance and Brandon 16). Efficacious parenting notions are frequently associated with high levels of competence in the execution of childcare tasks.

In the presentation, parents will be encouraged to attend parenting forums that will enhance child demeanor. They need to understand that externalizing behaviour is highly associated with mental health consultations for young ones……………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.