[Solved] BAO6714 Trimester 3 , 2018 Research Report

“… enterprises are faced with the immediate need to embrace the digital age to match the new and evolving business models and offer decision makers with instant insight. “

SAP S/4HANA Finance allows an enterprise to create a consolidated view of all operational and financial data to offer flexible and easy reporting along with automation of processes. It also offers real-time analytics, simulations and forecasting with a great user experience. Benefits of SAP S/4HANA include but is not limited to ‘single source of truth, faster forecasting and planning, ‘on the fly capacities’, new reporting and analytic support, global regulatory and compliance abilities across all languages, currencies and industries, faster month closing, integrated with Fiori etc.

Discuss these statements using case study examples (from literature searches) to demonstrate the benefits of SAP S/4HANA Finance.

Your paper should include the following areas :

• A brief historical overview of SAP S/4HANA Finance
• The difference between SAP S/4HANA Finance and current SAP ERP FICO
• What are the benefits of SAP S/4HANA Finance for businesses
• Case Studies of companies and the issues they faced migrating to SAP S/4HANA Finance. (Minimum 2)

Your task is produce a 3000 – 4000 word research paper which discusses the issues relating to the above. The paper should demonstrate a depth and breadth of reading and should be appropriately referenced. The paper should be referenced using the Harvard referencing standards and formatted according to the approved style guide.

Your essay must include: (Do NOT use heading like Body in your report)

Introduction: Introduction to the topic, a statement of the purpose of the report and a brief description of the report’s structure.

Body: Discuss, compare and/or contrast different perspectives and present arguments supporting the purpose of the report. Use relevant business case studies to illustrate key points. All points must be presented with Harvard citations and have a corresponding entry in your reference list.

Conclusion: A summary of the points you have made in the body of the report. These should match your stated purpose.

Reference list: A complete Harvard format reference list. Review the Library style guide for citation and reference list examples http://guides.library.vu.edu.au/harvard .

Presentation: You should include a title page that has your name, the title of your report, your tutorial day and time and your tutor’s name on it. Every page should feature a footer that includes your name, student ID, and page number.

You should review: http://www.vu.edu.au/campuses-services/student-support/academic-support-development/academic-writing for some general help on academic writing, especially the sections on essays and referencing. Review the Library Harvard style guide for citation and reference list examples http://bit.ly/1jvBd0i. Please note that Academic Support and Development staff can assist with drafting reports. However, appointments are limited and you must book well in advance on 9919 4744..

Your report must be submitted via the Research Assignment drop box link on VU Collaborate (this links to Turnitin) in MS Word format. Name your research assignment file in the form s3999999Research.docx and where the 39999999 is replaced by your student number. You do not need to include an assessment declaration (because the assessment declaration it is a standard template it will boost your similarity results so don’t upload it). However, note that when you submit to Turnitin you are formally agreeing to the statements set out on the declaration relating to academic honesty. Your submission to Turnitin must include only a title page, your report, and the reference list. Your submission on Turnitin will be marked electronically, so ensure it is complete. Note that if your tutor asks you for a hard copy, you must submit the complete originality report version produced from Turnitin.




SAP S/4HANA Finance
SAP S/4HANA Finance comprises of different interconnected monetary management functions which offer instantaneous statistics from enterprise resource planning (ERP) apps. It is established on the SAP HANA in-memory databank platform and a part of S/4HANA. The application amalgamates cross-organizational utilities into a single structure that pools transactional analytics and developments for the real-time apps (Salmon and Wild 2016). SAP S/4HANA Finance is an app which is premeditated for monetarist experts and professionals in different trades including CFOs and other stakeholders engaged in treasury, risk and compliance, tax, and accounting, among other corporate functions. The main drive of this report is to deliberate issues pertaining to SAP S/4HANA Finance application (Salmon and Wild 2016). It commences with a brief overview of the app and then discusses the differences between SAP S/4HANA Finance and the SAP ERP FICO. Additionally, the report looks into the merits of SAP S/4HANA Finance for businesses in finer details. The report also looks into the case studies of corporations and the issues that they encountered in the process of shifting to the SAP S/4HANA Finance.
History of SAP S/4HANA Finance
From the year 2010, the SAP HANA avenue has been available. Applications such as SAP Business Suite and SAP ERP have been in a position to control the SAP HANA databank and other databanks. The inauguration of the SAP S/4HANA Finance occurred on 3rd Feb 2015, at the New York Securities Exchange (Pekka 2019). In the occasion, there was the overview of cloud on the proposition editions and launching of on-premise edition. The accessibility of the cloud version happened at SAPPHIRE NOW in May of the year 2015 in Florida. SAP S/4HANA Finance is often deemed to be SAP’s largest apprise to the ERP platform and strategy in more than 20 years. After its launch, SAP S/4HANA Finance embodied a “transformational shift” but brought up questions regarding the pricing, availability, functionality, and migration matters surrounding the SAP S/4HANA Finance application (Pekka 2019). By the end of April of 2015, 370 clients had procured SAP S/4HANA Finance, and after the initial half of the same year, positive growth had been confirmed for SAP.
By October of the same year, SAP had confirmed that customer numbers had risen to more than 1300. There were more than 5400 clients after the final quarter of the year 2016, and by June of the year 2018, customer membership measured at about 9000(Pekka 2019)…………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.