[Answered] ENGL147N Week 1 Assignment: Pro-Position Proposal

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Apply the following writing resources to your assignment:

The goal of the proposal is to create a working thesis statement and basic research plan that considers context, audience, purpose, and presents potential sources. A proposal is not an outline, as it does not structure the paper. Rather, a proposal offers direction for research needs and gives your professor an opportunity to provide feedback before the drafting process.

Access the Pro-Position Proposal Template and complete the six required sections:

  • Subject
  • Research Question
  • Claim
  • Research Plan
  • Synthesis Matrix (Add the 3 pro sources.)
  • Reference Page

For an example proposal, refer to pages 269-270 of our textbook.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 1-1.5 pages (not including title page & reference page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • Reference page (3 articles)




Pro-Position Proposal

Please use this document as a template for your proposal by filling in the sections with blue font.

SUBJECT: Benefits of Vaccination
RESEARCH QUESTION: Are there any benefits of vaccination? If so, what are they?
CLAIM: Vaccination should be done as it helps reduce healthcare costs, prevent the prevalence and spread of diseases, and save lives.
RESEARCH PROPOSAL: Vaccination and vaccines are some of the most researched topics in healthcare, mainly because of their importance and involved controversies. As such, finding relevant research was not a problem. I found thousands of articles exploring the subject. I then narrowed my search to peer-reviewed and full articles. I also ensured that the articles had currency. The availability of research articles certainly eased my research process.

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