[Solved] MBA502 Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Diversity: Assessment 1

Your Task

Write a reflective essay after:
1. You have taken the two tests
2. Your two friends complete the two tests to evaluate you
3. Use the JohariWindow to discuss the results
4. Show the results of your tests to your lecturer (if you are an online student email them to your lecturer)
Assessment Description
This individual reflective assignment requires you to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of
Learning Outcomes 1 and 2, covering topics between weeks 1 and 4.
Assessment Instructions
1. Complete a self-assessment through the Global Leadership Foundation’s Global Emotional
Intelligence Test (GEIT) here: https://globalleadershipfoundation.com/geit/eitest.html and complete Daniel Goleman’s EQ Instrument from this free online link: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/ei-quiz.htm
2. Contact two people who know you reasonably well (e.g. work colleagues, close friends, family members). Provide them with the link or hard-copy version of the same two survey instruments and request that they complete the survey as an assessment of you and mail their survey results to you once completed.
3. Using the JohariWindow model for self-awareness, critically analyse your own findings and those of your associates to reflect on what you have learned about yourself.Write a 1200-word reflective essay (+/- 10% word count) based on the assessment results you have gathered. Discuss key areas of strengths and areas for improvement. In particular, review major differences between your self- assessment and those that you received from your chosen two associates.
4. In addition to an introduction and conclusion, the reflective essay should comprise three main sections:
In Part 1, critically compare your results with those of the two people who evaluated you. In your analysis, use the four quadrants of the Johari Window; i.e. Open, Blind, Hidden, Unknown (approx. 400 words). In Part 2, analyse your strengths and weaknesses based on your own survey results and discuss possible improvements (approx. 300 words). In Part 3, reflect on what competencies you would like to develop in order to function well as a global citizen. Provide practical examples with the assumption you work in a culturally diverse global organisation (approx. 400 words).
Your reflective essay should include:
• Integration of these reflections with theoretical concepts.
• A reflective essay can be entirely written in the first person.
• A brief discussion of identified strengths and areas for development, presenting your own results, your associates’ results, and a discussion of the patterns, similarities/differences and trends you discover.
• Evidence of integration of feedback received from your associates, as well as consideration of your own past experiences and feedback from other sources you have received in years gone by.
• A clear conclusion reflecting on how your new insights may assist you with a potential career in a culturally diverse organisation.
• A reference list.
• Proof of completed surveys, both yours and your associates’ (Face-to-face students to give these to their facilitators in Week 5 at the end of the seminar. Online students to scan the tests and email them to their online facilitator). Please note that the evidence of the tests is worth 6/30.
Further guidance:
• This paper requires a significant amount of analysis and personal reflection.
This means that you should consider the JohariWindow model by breaking down its four parts and reflecting on how the various quadrants provide a deeper understanding of yourself.
• The attached marking rubrics guide the marker when awarding marks for your reflective essay. You should review your paper in line with this to ensure there is nothing you have missed.
• It is important to check your similarity in Turnitin. All sentences highlighted must be either paraphrased in your own words or put in quotes and referenced accordingly. You should be aiming for as low a similarity score as you can. Similarity highlighted in a contents page, reference list or appendices is nothing to be concerned about.



Emotional Intelligence
Self-awareness is a critical component of emotional intelligence. The ability of a person to monitor his or her thoughts and emotions from time to time is paramount to comprehending oneself better and being at peace with individuality. When people are self-aware, they act consciously and tend to be in sound psychological health status and possess a positive outlook in life. In this reflection, there is a critical analysis of the self-assessment test results in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, there is the reflection of the desired strengths that make an individual a global citizen in the long run.
Part One
From the assessment results, it is clear that there are traits about me, which are known both to myself and other people. Results from my assessment and the review from the two other individuals indicate that I lose temper when I am frustrated by something. Additionally, there is a concurrence with regard to my demeanor when I am under pressure to deliver. Both the reviewers and I agree that I veer off my usual personality when there is much pressure at work and school. In totality, the tests indicate that other individuals understand me in the same way I view myself.
However, there are pieces of information about me that the reviewers assume but do not know in detail. They think that I am exemplary when it comes to calming myself when I am anxious or upset. In a real sense, it is difficult for me to move on when I am unhappy or frustrated. I tend to avoid conflicts both at a professional and personal level, and when I do so, it is misinterpreted to calming myself……….To access the entire solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.