[Answered] ENGL147N Week 2 Discussion: Argumentative Strategies

Required Resource

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 3; pp. 100-107
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (one of the listed pro-position articles)

Apply the following writing resources to your posts:

Initial Post Instructions

Part 1: Research & Review
Choose one of the following pro articles to review and discuss with your classmates. If you have a different pro article you would like to use, please discuss it with your professor in advance. All articles can be found in our library databases.

Topics Pro-Position Articles
Patient Portals Alpert, J.M., Krist, A.H., Aycock, R.A. & Kreps, G.L. (2017, March). Designing user-centric patient portals: Clinician and patients’ uses and gratifications (Links to an external site.). Telemedicine Journal And E-Health: The Official Journal Of The American Telemedicine Association, 23 (3), 248-253.
Cosmetic Surgery Oranges, C. M., Schaefer, K. M., Haug, M., & Schaefer, D. J. (2016). The impact of aesthetic surgery on body image and its implications for mental and physical health (Links to an external site.). Aesthetic Surgery, 36(8). 256-258.
Cost of Cancer Newcomer, L. (2014, October). Myths and realities in cancer care: Another point of view. Health Affairs, 33(10), 1805-1807 (Links to an external site.).
Surrogacy Jadva, V., Imrie, S. & Golombok, S. (2015, February). Surrogate mothers 10 years on: a longitudinal study of psychological well-being and relationships with the parents and child (Links to an external site.). Human Reproduction, 30(2), 373-379.
Organ Donation Ralph, A., Chapman, J.R., Gillis, J., Craig, J.C., Butow, P., Howard, K….Tong, A. (2014, April). Family perspectives on deceased organ donation: thematic synthesis of qualitative studies (Links to an external site.). American Journal Of Transplantation: Official Journal Of The American Society Of Transplantation And The American Society Of Transplant Surgeons, 14(4), 923-935.
Private Hospitalization MacAllister, L., Bellanti, D. & Sakallaris, B.R. (2016). Exploring inpatients’ experiences of healing and healing spaces: A mixed methods study (Links to an external site.). Journal Of Patient Experience, 3(4), 119-130. (Click on View Record in DOAJ to access full text.)
Workplace stress Davenport, T.O. (2015). The good stress strategy: How managers can transform stress into fulfillment (Links to an external site.). Employment Relations Today (Wiley), 42 (3), 9-20.

Part 2: Application
Evaluate how effective the article’s argument was using Toulmin’s model. Detail as many of the 6 components as possible:

  1. Claim: What was the article’s main point? What’s the thesis?
  2. Grounds: What kinds of evidence did the author use to support his/her argument? Provide an example.
  3. Warrants: Did the author(s) successfully connect the evidence to the main point? How so?
  4. Backing: How credible were the sources the author(s) applied? How does credulity affect your overall response?
  5. Qualifiers: Did you notice any absolutes (all, every, each) or limiters (some, several, many)? How did they add or subtract from the argument?
  6. Rebuttal: Did the author(s) present any points of opposition and counterarguments? How did it influence your reaction?

Note: If a section is missing completely from an article, spend of time discussing how its absence affects the overall success of the argument.

How will you apply a similar approach in your pro-position papers? Based on this assessment, what must you include and what can you avoid in your own argument development?

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Here, we have an opportunity to compare research notes with our fellow peers.

  • Did your peers discover something you missed?
  • Do you agree with the stance in this article? If so, what other warrants or grounds might you add to validate the argument? If not, what qualifiers or rebuttals might you present to disprove the argument?

Remember, the goal here is to find multiple perspectives, but those perspectives should be both professional and respectful. Ask questions to keep the conversation going.

Note: If you see that someone has already received feedback from two peers, please choose to help a peer who has yet to obtain feedback.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up)
  • Initial Post Length: minimum of 3 college-level paragraphs
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references




Week 2 Discussion: Argumentative Strategies

The topic I choose to discuss is workplace stress. The article to review and evaluate is “The good stress strategy: How managers can transform stress into fulfillment” by Thomas O. Davenport.

Claim: What was the article’s main point? What’s the thesis?

A manager-training program with a fully developed process can considerably fine-tune the way managers’ get involved with the elements of stress that affect different work divisions. (Davenport, 2015) The financial stress and the causes that come with it, the managers’ reactions that can help control stress, and the managers’ response raises satisfaction focusing on the different areas of the manager-training program and to alleviate stress.……………please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5