[Answered] NR222 Week 5: RUA: Health Promotion Project


The Health Promotion Project (RUA) is due this week. Your paper should be completed and ready for one last review. Download the assignment guidelines (Links to an external site.) and compare your paper to the grading rubric, making last-minute adjustments as needed. If you have any questions about the assignment, please speak to your instructor.

ALL STUDENTS must submit the assignment by the posted deadline.




Week 5 Assignment: Required Uniform Assignment

The purpose of this paper is to assess the importance of reducing infant mortality rate among African Americans, especially those residing in Hudson, New Jersey. Infant mortality rate is one of the leading health indicators as per Health People 2020. Sadly, while the national level has declined to below the set target, the rate of infant mortality among African Americans remains significantly high at the national, state, and community levels. In this write-up, I will provide statistics on infant mortality among African Americans at the state and national levels. I will also describe the selected target population. Moreover, the paper will provide a summary of key scholarly articles, which provide critical information on how to promote health within the selected target population and effectively reduce the prevalence of infant mortality.

Target Population

As stated above, this write-up specifically explores the prevalence of infant mortality among African Americans. More specifically, it focuses on the African American community residing in Hudson, New Jersey. According to Census.Gov, Hudson county is estimated to have a population of 672,391 (Census Bureau, 2019). Among these, 14.8% are African Americans (Census Bureau, 2019).……………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10