[Solved] MATH399N Week 4 Assignment: Binomial Distribution


Identify the parameters p and n in the following binomial distribution scenario. The probability of winning an arcade game is 0.718 and the probability of losing is 0.282. If you play the arcade game 20 times, we want to know the probability of winning more than 15 times. (Consider winning as a success in the binomial distribution.)


Give the numerical value of the parameter n in the following binomial distribution scenario.

The probability of buying a movie ticket with a popcorn coupon is 0.597 and without a popcorn coupon is 0.403. If you buy 18 movie tickets, we want to know the probability that no more than 13 of the tickets have popcorn coupons.

Consider tickets with popcorn coupons as successes in the binomial distribution. Do not include n= in your answer.


A softball pitcher has a 0.487 probability of throwing a strike for each pitch. If the softball pitcher throws 29 pitches, what is the probability that no more than 14 of them are strikes?

Insert the correct symbol to represent this probability.


The probability of winning on an arcade game is 0.568. If you play the arcade game 22 times, what is the probability of winning more than 15 times?

  • Fill in the blanks with the correct symbol (<, ≤, >, or ≥to represent the correct probability.


Give the numerical value of the parameter p in the following binomial distribution scenario.

A softball pitcher has a 0.721 probability of throwing a strike for each pitch and a 0.279 probability of throwing a ball. If the softball pitcher throws 19 pitches, we want to know the probability that more than 15 of them are strikes.

Consider strikes as successes in the binomial distribution. Do not include p= in your answer.


Consider how the following scenario could be modeled with a binomial distribution, and answer the question that follows.

54.4% of tickets sold to a movie are sold with a popcorn coupon, and 45.6% are not. You want to calculate the probability of selling exactly 6 tickets with popcorn coupons out of 10 total tickets (or 6 successes in 10 trials).

What value should you use for the parameter p?


A softball pitcher has a 0.431 probability of throwing a strike for each pitch. If the softball pitcher throws 22 pitches, what is the probability that exactly 12 of them are strikes?

  • Round your answer to 2 decimal places.


65% of the people in Missouri pass the driver’s test on the first attempt. A group of 5 people took the test. What is the probability that less than 3 in the group pass their driver’s tests in their first attempt? Round your answer to three decimal places.

Remember: 65% = 0.65.






65% of the people in Missouri pass the driver’s test on the first attempt. A group of 5 people took the test. What is the probability that less than 3 in the group pass their driver’s tests in their first attempt? Round your answer to three decimal places.

Remember: 65% = 0.65.

Ans: P(X < 3) = 0.235……………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $4