[Solved] MITS4001 Business Information Systems

Topic: Information System Outsourcing

With the rapid growth of technological advancements within the the last couple of decades,
Information Technology and Systems have become the driving engine of modern organisations.
Noticably, within the last decade, Information System (IS) outsourcing has become more of a
commonplace. IS outsourcing is the practice of turning over part or all of an organisation’s IS
functionalities to external service providers. With the help of outsourcing IS functions,
organisations can focus on their own business strategies and increase their business efficiency.
You should perform a literature survey on the IS outsourcing in order to identify the benefitcs
and challenges associated with IS outsourcing. Based on your literature survey, you need to
create and submit (1) an abstract (2 pages) in IEEE format and (2) a 5-10 mins video presentation
explaining the abstract.



Information Systems Outsourcing


Information systems outsourcing comes with operational efficiencies for contemporary business organizations. It encompasses the engagement of external resources in handling different information technology functions. Companies frequently outsource data storage since it is cheaper to contract third parties as compared to acquiring and maintaining their data storage facilities and devices. There are different forms of information systems outsourcing, and each of them comes with unique merits and demerits in the organizational context [1]. At the same time, the practice of information system outsourcing faces different challenges in implementation in the context of corporate operations. For the purpose of this literature survey, there is a critical reflection of the benefits and challenges which are associated with the outsourcing dimension of the information systems. In the survey, it is clear that information systems outsourcing introduces the benefit of controlling and reducing both the labor and IT costs. IT costs are shifted to variable expenditure whereas the engagement of temporary IT members of staff is significantly cheaper than hiring permanent employees [2]………………………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.