[Solved] PPMP20009 Leading Lean Projects

Assessment 1 Specification Individual Assessment (40%)

You have taken up a new job in Perth, Western Australia. Both your partner and you are very keen on wanting to build your own home. You come across the Keystart initiative (https://www.keystart.com.au/) by the government of Western Australia and have found out that you and your partner are eligible to apply. You have decided to submit an application, but will have to do the following:
• Identify the suburb you want to build and decide the land size you want to buy (this will depend on the budget you are willing to spend on the land)
• Research the market and identify potential home builders who will construct your dream home.
• Finalise the layout /design and agree on the cost to build the house with the chosen builder
• Enter into a deal
o Sign a land contract with the land developer – you will need to pay a deposit of AUD$2000
o Sign a Pre-Work Construction (PWC) contract with the builder – you need to pay a deposit of AUD$2000
(in both contracts you have inserted the following clause: Deposit to be returned to client (in full) in the event of failure to obtain finance approval).
• Finally, you are now ready to submit an application to Keystart (can be done through the builder) to obtain finance to build your dream home.
The above activities can be efficiently managed through key project management processes. Where possible, you can also aim to implement lean project management principles to successfully manage the above activities.

This assessment is to be done INDIVIDUALLY.
Your tasks:
Answer the following questions:
1. Select and explain the project management processes (either from PMBOK or PRINCE2 or a combination of any best practices you have learned in this unit) that can help you:
a. Choose the suburb and decide the land size
b. Chose the best builder
c. Identify the stakeholders for the project
2. What are the factors that will influence the design and layout of your dream home? Explain the project management processes you used to determine the design/layout.
3. Explain how you would implement lean best practices to achieve lean project management for (1) and (2) above.


Lean Management Practices

Question One

  1. In developing a dream home, the suburban choice is a paramount factor for the developers. For this reason; the couple has to consider different variables before settling for the suburb of choice. Project management processes are instrumental in the choice of an appropriate suburb in Perth to establish a home (Wiesel, Freestone & Randolph, 2013). For this paper, the PRINCE2 project management processes will be applied where appropriate. Through this process, there is the adjustment of inputs in such a way that they suit the specifics of the project. The developers require to choose their desired suburb in line with the nature of the project. Suburb choice has to be compliant with any community policy that people living in a certain area embrace as a mutual understanding among themselves (Wiesel, Freestone & Randolph, 2013).

In line with the PRINCE2 management provisions, project teams apply quality registers in a bid to assess deliverables in comparison with requirements. The choice of the suburb depends on the extent to which it facilitates the completion of the project successfully. There are some parts of West Australia that are already congested, and setting up new homes is no longer tenable for other investors (Roy et al., 2018). Quality cannot be accomplished in areas where suburbs do not support further settlement and squeezing in a dream home may result in producing a substandard residence. Additionally,……………………………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.