[Solved] KIT708 ICT Systems Strategy and Management

This assignment is worth 30% of the total assessment for KIT708 Knowledge and Information Management. Your group’s completed solution must be submitted by the due date shown above.
This assignment assesses your obtainment of the following learning outcomes:
ILO1: Explain how ICT management and governance practices impact technology, people, and organisations.
ILO2: Assess methods of acquisition and provision of ICT Systems in an organisational context.
ILO3: Formulate a strategic plan for integrating ICT Systems that support business needs and objectives.
ILO4: Model the behaviour of an ICT professional in the context of working as part of a team.
Section 1 The Group
 The group is to actively work towards solving the client’s problem.
 The group needs to format the solution to the problem in an appropriate manner.
 The group will be marked on the following:
o The research undertaken by the group to solve the problem;
o Description of the problem boundary;
o The relevance and appropriateness of the solution to the organisation;
o The solution rationale;
o The recommendations made to the organisation;
o and The formatting of the solution.
Section 2 The Problem
Your group’s task is to develop a strategic business plan that assists our client. The only formatting requirement is that is must be to a professional business standard. More details will be provided in Semester Week 2.


Executive Summary

Information communication systems (ICT) strategy and management are instrumental as far as the administration of an entity’s network is concerned. In the contemporary business environment, communication is based on computer systems and social networks that connect people from different geographical regions around the world. Without unlimited access to the Internet, it is becoming increasingly difficult for businesses to thrive in modern global society. In this assignment, there is a reflection on the ICT management approach from different dimensions. The first item encompasses the explanation


Knowledge and information management are concept terminologies that are often used interchangeably. The distinction between the two is far from being clearly articulated as it is compounded by confusion around the factors of knowledge and information. In this unit, there has been a broad coverage of knowledge and information management in terms of the manner in which information communication technology (ICT) management and governance practices affect entities, people, and technology. At the same time, there has been an evaluation of methods of acquisition as well as the provision of ICT systems in an organizational context (Kianto, Vanhala & Heilmann, 2016). In this report, there is a detailed approach to solving the problems rocking the business in the case study. Essentially, there is an attempt to solve the client’s problem as far as running her business is concerned. The other scope of the report is to develop a strategic business plan which will assist the client in running her enterprise successfully in a bid for the firm to run successfully…………………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.