[Answered] Case Study, Chapter 73, Terrorism, Mass Casualty, and Disaster Nursing

The local community hospital routinely practices activation of its Emergency Preparedness Plans. One key aspect of the emergency preparedness exercise is to provide all staff with opportunities to practice their various roles during an actual emergency. Registered nurses from the emergency department frequently have key roles in patient triage and emergency management. (Learning Objective 2)

a. How is triage different in a disaster from triage on a routine day in the emergency department?

b. What are the triage categories during a mass casualty incident?

c. During the disaster exercise, a simulated patient with a penetrating head injury who does not respond to painful stimuli and has a Glasgow Coma Scale of 5 is brought to the emergency department. In what category should the patient be placed?

The nursing staff in the emergency department are placed on alert for a Level I disaster at a local mall. A bomb exploded, and there were multiple causalities as a result. A field disaster triage was set up, and the hospital was notified of a bus load of patients who would arrive at the emergency department for needed care. The ambulance will bring patients needing emergent care. (Learning Objective 5)

a. What physical injuries may occur after the primary blast event, and what management is needed?

b. What physical injuries may occur after the secondary blast phase, and what management is needed?



In a local community health facility, triage is different on the emergency department in a disaster. Rescuers first have to determine whether the hospital is safe or unsafe, prior to conducting first aid and following the ABCD. Patients are victims of calamities, either natural or artificial. In the actual emergency department, nurses have to directly apply the triage and a

  • The first thing is to check the place and categorize it accordingly.
  • For instance, color coding; red for immediate, or the victims who have suffered from airway complications, sucking chest wounds, and open fractures of long bones requiring immediate medical action.

Color yellow can designate delayed, for individuals with stable wounds, devoid of evidence of significant hemorrhage, and………….please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10