[Solved] MRKT20052 Assessment 1A: Portfolio Articles Analysis

Weight: 10%
Word limit: 1,000 words (max) for your selected article
Due: Friday Week 4
Due date and time: 6th December, 5 PM AEST. Note: please adjust this time if you have daylight savings or are not in Queensland.
For this assessment, each student will choose any ONE of the two articles provided below and write a reflective analysis. This is an individual assessment with a maximum word limit of 1,000 words for the article analysis excluding references.
In analysing the chosen article, the emphasis is on identifying the marketing implications of the events or issues described in the selected article. For the selected article, students are to prepare a write-up (in a .doc or .docx format) answering the following question:
What are the implications of the events/incidents/issues in the article from a marketing perspective and how will these impact (positively or negatively) relevant stakeholders?
The write-up for each article should be presented in the following format using headings as per the three points below:
1. Concise summary of the key issues illustrated in the article.
2. Explanation of why the issues illustrated in the article is important.
3. Discussion of implications of these issues from a marketing perspective.

Loh, J. (2019). Environment, purpose and corporate social responsibility – do consumers really care? Retrieved from: https://www.marketingmag.com.au/news-c/news-salmat-csr-ethics-brand-purpose/
Anon. (2019). Extreme disruption in the automotive industry: a look at the road ahead. Retrieved from:

Extreme disruption in the automotive industry: a look at the road ahead

If your assessment is suspected to be plagiarised, it will be forwarded to an appropriate authority and severe penalties will be applied if you are found guilty of Academic Misconduct.
Assessment Criteria:
Marking criteria is provided below. A more detailed marking rubric is provided on Moodle.
• Summary of key issues (10%)
• Explanations of issues’ importance (30%)
• Reflective analysis (30%)
• Writing style (10%)
• Evidence of research (20%)
Penalties apply for late submission (1 mark will be deducted from the total mark for every day late in submission, unless an extension has been granted by the Unit Coordinator).



Article: Environment, purpose and corporate social responsibility – do consumers really care? By J. Loh

Marketing Management

Summary of Key Issues

An increasingly growing number of consumers is progressively paying attention to environmental conservation in making purchases. At the same time, customers in the contemporary global economy are conducting business with entities that embrace high brand values and ethics (Loh, 2019). The more ethical and professional an entity becomes, the more the customer base that it is likely to attract and vice-versa is true. Customers also appreciate corporate social responsibility (CSR) from their entities of purchase. Matters affecting natural surroundings are the most important social issues to consumers as far as CSR is concerned. Ethical shopping from a majority of customers’ perspective is more pronounced in the supermarkets (Loh, 2019). In totality, consumers are now more aware of business ethics and environmental conservation in the corporate context.

Social networks have become paramount in the corporate marketing function. A significant proportion of clients use search engines to look into different brands’ ethics and values. Consumers are shifting away from the influence of the brand ambassadors towards relying on social media for brand awareness in the market (Loh, 2019)………………………………………….To access the rest of the solution, please click on the purchase button.