[Answered] NR392 Week 6 Assignment: PDSA Worksheet


  1. You will be applying the PDSA to a case study.
  2. Download the required Week 6 PDSA Worksheet below.
  3. Save it to your computer with the file name: Your Last Name NR392 Week 6 PDSA Worksheet.docx
  4. Using information below, complete the Aim statement and Plan portion of the worksheet. Remember to cite one peer reviewed, scholarly nursing source for your change.
Case Study Part A

Patient satisfaction scores are down in your 44-bed medical-surgical unit from last year’s scores. Current scores are at 44% this year. Patients felt the nursing staff does not have time to care or listen and the nurses are unprofessional. The Quality Improvement Committee wants to bring the patient satisfaction scores back up to 88% or higher. The unit has limited finances and many new staff members.

  1. Using information below, complete the Do portion of the worksheet. Note: Implementation is hypothetical. You may add extra details as if you were implementing the plan in real life.
Case Study Part B

During implementing the plan, the staff complains about the plan. The nurse leader notifies the Quality Improvement Committee that the nurses are finding it difficult to implement by the target date. Some nurses do not understand why the plan is important.

  1. Using information below, complete the Study and Act portions of the worksheet.




Aim Statement (Measurable goal including what, when, how much, and for whom)

Example:Within the next two months, the rate of falls will decrease by 50% for patients on this unit.  

Type your Aim statement here:

Within the next 3 months the patient satisfaction scores will be back up to 88 % or higher.


Describe the situation and problem that needs improvement.  The patient to nurse ratio has increased due to being severely short staffed.  The staffing issue has created a stressful work environment.  This has directly impacted patient care and satisfaction.  Nurses state that they are struggling to complete task & give one on one time  due to the high acuity. QI committee has heard the complaints of the nurses and has held a job fair.  While hiring  more nursing  staff,…………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10