[Solved] MGMT20144 – Assessment Item 1 – Business Case Analysis

Introduction  (100 words)

Introduce the topic, state the purpose of the essay and the key points (scope) to be covered. 

Case company synopsis (100 words)

Briefly provide some background information which you deem essential and highly relevant to your analysis. [Avoid direct ‘cut’ and ‘paste’ from company websites, paraphrase using your own words and put company website as an in-text reference as per APA style] 

Body paragraphs (1300 words)

You decide how to allocate words per question listed below, I would suggest that questions (a) and (b) are descriptive in nature, answers are expected to be concise and straightforward. Remember to incorporate definitions of key concepts in your answer. (See criteria 2 in Marking Rubric). Questions (a) to (d) require critical thinking and analysis based on your research, hence allocate more words accordingly. In-text citation is very important in this part of the essay, as it corresponds to evaluation criteria 2 and 3 (which combined account 20% of your score for this assignment) and criteria 6.

  1. How are the business and governance structures of your chosen companies different/similar, and why might this be the case?
  2. What are the environmental factors that influence your chosen companies’ performance and/or decision-making?
  3. What are the top three risks your chosen companies face and how might this influence their decision making?
  4. Make 3 suggestions regarding how the companies might improve their business practices.

Conclusion (100 words)

Once again, be concise. Provide a summary of your key points in the essay (avoid using same sentences). Avoid introducing new topics (e.g., recently, the company is involved in a scandal etc.), but do highlight implications on the management of the company in the future on the basis of your analysis.



Business Management Practices


The modern global economy is characterized by different dynamisms that introduce the element of devastating losses to business entities. For this reason; it has become an imperative commercial practice encourage risk awareness and preparedness in case of peril materialization. This essay compares risk management between two companies in different countries. The firms in question are Cementos Progreso Construction Company in Spain and Avnet Electronics in the United States. The essay seeks to understand both of these firms’ governance structures, environmental factors in decision-making, top operational risks, and possible remedies to the perils in question.

Company Synopsis

Cementos Progreso is a Spain-based manufacturer and distributor of construction materials. The firm deals with concrete works, cement, lime, and other raw materials applied in the development of infrastructural projects. Mainly, the firm conducts business in Guatemala, in an industry that is marred by different risky situations.

Avnet Electronics is among the world’s largest electronic products distributor. The company embeds its solutions and is based in Arizona, the United States. The global nature of its business comes with a great deal of logistical, personnel and other forms of risks. The firm operates through a broad governance structure as later illustrated in the essay.

Governance structure

Avnet Electronics, as a company, is governed by an executive board headed by the Chief Executive Officer and Chief People Officer. The executive board oversees the operations of the company and transparency matters. Beneath the executive board, there is the board of directors, headed by the company’s chairperson. Board members contribute value and experience in critical areas such as operations, finance, international business, human resource management, government, engineering, and academia among others (Badewi, 2016)……………………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.