[Answered] POLI330N Week 4 Discussion: The Electoral College Argument, Politics and Social Media

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, respond to one of the following options, and label the beginning of your post indicating either Option 1 or Option 2:

  • Option 1: List the ways in which contemporary presidential campaigns have used social media as a campaign tool. Do you consider social media as a successful tool? Explain your answer. Do you see social media as an unsuccessful tool? Explain your answer and provide examples.
  • Option 2: There are numerous discussions involving the Electoral College. There are some people that want to abolish the electoral college while others want to keep it. What do you think? Keep the electoral college or abolish it? Explain the reasons for your choice.



Social media are the ultimate disruptive technology. They transform information delivery, news coverage, online content, business organization, and how people process new developments. As shown since the 2008 presidential elections, these digital tools represent a textbook example of electoral impact and voter mobilization (Ferrara et al., 2020). Presidential candidates, have…………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5