Answered] Management Foundation Studies Introduction to Management Continual Assessment 2 – Individual Assignment

Instructions on Continual Assessment
1. This is an individual assignment.
2. The assignment will be marked out of 100 marks and counts for 40% of the total
assessment in the module. Breakdown of marks:
a) Analysis and suggestions – 80 marks
b) Introduction & conclusion – 10 marks
c) Language, mechanics of writing & presentation – 10 marks
3. Read the module book to have ideas on these topics.
 Managing Ethics and Workforce Diversity (Session 2)
 Managing in the Global Environment (Session 3)
 Decision Making (Session 4)
 Planning (Session 5)
 Organisation Structure (Session 6)
 Leaders and Leadership (Session 7)
 Motivation (Session 8)
4. Look for a manager – can be located in any part of the world. Contact this person
to find out in detail how TWO topics are implemented in an organisation. The
contact person should know something about management or has management
responsibility in the organization. Information can be obtained through internet
research and/or any other information available in the library or published materials.
5. Write a report on the TWO topics. The report should focus on:
a. Analysis of actions taken by the organization, and
b. Suggestions and solutions to enhance the organization performance.

6. Guidance on report writing
6.1. Each student must submit ONE report. Students should a keep a copy of
assignment submitted.
6.2. The report should have an introduction, analysis and suggestions on the two
topics, conclusion, references and appendices, as appropriate.
(a) The cover page should include the FULL name and Student ID number as
in the register.
(b) The introduction should briefly include background of the manager and
organisation and the purpose of the report. Maximum 100 words.
(c) The conclusion should summarize key findings in the report. Maximum 100
(d) Each student is required to provide at least THREE (3) references in APA
(e) The appendix should include name, job title and contact details of manager
whom you contact in the organisation, as appropriate.
6.3. The report must be type-written with words in 1.5 line spacing, font-size 12,
Times New Roman. This report must be submitted in Word format.
6.4. The report should not exceed 1200 words (excluding references and
appendices). State the word count at the end of the report.



Decision Making and Leadership

The report focuses on the two topics; Decision Making and leaders and leadership. Kevin Johnson is the Chief executive officer in Starbucks Company for three years. Moreover, he has outstanding leadership skills and influencing experience in the Company’s decision making. The CEO provides information concerning administration and decision-making regarding the organization’s performance in respect to his expertise. In addition, Kevin explains actions regarding decision making, solution and suggestions on leadership factors enforced to improve Starbucks Company performance.

Leadership is one of the primary responsibilities involved in the direction, development, and modernization of organizational performance in private and public sectors. It is a crucial ……please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10