[Solution] ECM20 Research Methods for Finance and Economics

Assignment: “Relationship between Corporate social responsibility performance and tax avoidance”.

Description of Assignment:

In this assignment students have to conduct a comprehensive literature review on a research topic of their choice, in finance citing relevant academic literature. The literature review should focus upon the importance of the research area, a critical review of previous research and a summary of their empirical analysis. The assignment should conclude with the gaps in the previous literature that should be explored in the future. The assignment should be typed using 12 font with a word limit of 4000 words.

The assignment accounts for 40% of the final grade.



The installment of expenses is both a vital corporate commitment to society and basic to great administration; however, it is an under-looked into part of corporate social obligation (CSR). Absence of social duty is decidedly connected with………….


Australia, as a developed country, depends on its tax revenues that are collected from tax payers. This is evidenced by the Ministry of National Development Planning’s (BAPPENAS) statement, that revenue from fiscal sector (taxes) had reached 75% of total revenues on state budget in 2015. But, the realization of tax revenues in the year 2015 was only 81,5% of the state target. The reason for not reaching the target was because the state and firms have some interests that are at opposite ends. According to Suandy (2011) taxes are a very important source

of revenue, because the state uses taxes collected from tax payers to finance state expenditures. But on the contrary, to a firm, taxes are an expense that will lower its net income. Naturally, a firm will try to minimize its tax obligations to the country. Zain (2018) described tax avoidance as the action that………………………To access the rest of the solution for $15, please click on the purchase button.