[Solved] CPD1102 Professional Development and Ethics

Assessment 1: Reflective Essay
Due date: Week 3
Group/individual: Individual
Word count / Time provided: 1000 words
Weighting: 35%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1, ULO-2
Assessment Details:
The purpose of the reflective essay is to develop a clear and inspiring vision of what you want to
achieve in your career. In the essay student need to succinctly review the literature, particularly
focusing on skills important to the development of their career/profession and how it will make a
positive difference in his/her career/profession along with a role of a professional manage. Students
are expected to critique the literature and to adheres to the word limit. Essay should also contain
reference list written in Harvard style.

Assessment 2: Presentation
Due date: Week 5
Group/individual: Group
Word count / Time provided: 25 minutes
Weighting: 25%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-2
Assessment Details:
The purpose of this assessment is to develop oral communication skill which is a valuable skill for
interview and future career. Students in a group are expected to make presentation on a selected
topic of Professional Development to provide clear, concise and precise information and to persuade
audience to accept a point of view. The topic of presentation will be discussed in class.

Assessment 3: Learning and development Plan
Due date: Week 7
Group/individual: Individual
Word count / Time
2500 words
Weighting: 40%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1, ULO-4

Assessment Details:
Learning and development plan is the basis for development or enhancement of professional
competencies. It provides a basis for assessing and developing key managerial and leadership
competencies. Preparation of the L&D Plan is a major task and cannot be treated lightly as the
eventual L&D Plan will be a personalised program. Preparation of the individual L&D Plan should
follow a structured approach. It is expected that students will adheres to the word limits of 2,500
words and will discuss the following topics in their L&D Plan accompanied by the list of references at
the end written in Harvard style.
Section 1: Self Introduction. Describe your background, qualifications, experience, etc.
Section 2: Megatrends and Challenges. Describe what is happening locally and internationally
in the industry/profession of your interest such as challenges, size of investment,
competition, intended improvements, etc.
Section 3: Goals: Describe how do you see yourself in the industry/profession of your interest
and the sort of expectations placed on you; what are the goals of your
employer/clients? What are your own career goals, how do these fit next to each
other etc.
Section 4: Ethics and Professional Values: Describe in detail what you consider to be appropriate
professional values and correct set of ethics to follow in your career/profession and
how you can promote ethics in the future. Note that these must be described
explicitly and general statement such as I will follow XYZ’s Code of Professional
Conduct will not be accepted. Spell out in bullet points what values you would follow
and the set of ethics that will guide your professional conduct.
Section 5: Competency Assessment: Present your own self-analysis of Managerial & Leadership
competencies along with Socio-cultural & Personal Competencies. Competency
metrics (5 stages of competencies) can be used for this purpose. Describe explicitly
in your analysis how you plan to address the competency gap between your current
and future competency goal. Be 100% honest with yourself while assessing your own
competencies. If you genuinely believe that you can meet the criteria indicated in
competency metrices at the given level, you should present the corresponding
evidence to prove your case. For example, if you believe your Socio-cultural
competency is at Informed level you need to demonstrate how you meet the
criteria based on 5 stages of competencies. When someone claims to have a
certain competency, he or she may well possess that competency but without
providing detailed proof no-one can verify that it is the case. For this reason, it is
assumed that he/she does not possess the respective competencies unless well
demonstrated. One major point to note is that documentation is very critical in
this instance and in all other professional endeavours. Present your consolidated
competency assessment in both graphical and tabular form.

Section 6: Competencies improvement/professional development summary: With reference to
section 5, describe all areas of competencies you wish to improve and laid out the
plan how you are going to improve those competencies. For example, if you have low
leadership and Socio-cultural competency and want to improve, the opportunity to
develop this competency may come from teamwork, self-management and
engagement with other activities during your study period at APIC. You also need to
define your professional development scope based on Section 5. For example, the
area of competencies gap identified in Section 5 is the scope for professional
development and this scope varies per person. In your professional development
summary, you also need to find out which projects or industry contexts you would
need in order to provide adequate opportunity to develop your competencies. You
may use a SWOT analysis to summarise your current strengths and weakness and
identify opportunity or threats that stand in your way of achieving your competency
goal. One of the smart ways is to identify scope of the project work that you or your
team undertake in different unit of studies at APIC that will have the potential to
deliver your missing competencies.


Background, Qualification and Experience

My passion has always been travelling, adventure and embracing new people and their cultures. I have gone to over 20 countries since my parents are also enthusiasts of travelling and through travel exposure at a young age, I developed the desire to enjoy this calling with other people. At 28 years of age, I have pursued a bachelor in tourism management and hospitality so that I can understand the dynamics of the industry ad how well I can be of use in my workplaces. I later enrolled for a Master in Business administration with a specialization in strategic management. This has dramatically helped in coming up with strategies that have had a positive impact on my current workplace…

Professional and Ethical values

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has a global code of ethics for the tourism business. As a significant edge of reference for mindful and economic tourism, the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GCET) is an extensive arrangement of standards intended to manage key-players in tourism improvement. Routed to governments, the movement business, networks and sightseers the same, it expects to help augment the area’s advantages while limiting its conceivably negative effect on the earth, social legacy and social orders over the globe (Olsen, Vogt & Andereck, 2018)…………………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.