[Solved] MGT502 Business Communication

Discussion Forum: Exemplary Business Communication

Learning Outcomes
This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning Outcomes:
a) Apply research, academic and communication skills appropriate to the level of study and observe academic referencing requirements
b) Critically analyse texts and/or multimedia material in both a business and academic context
c) Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment
d) Evaluate the use and importance of technology within a business environment



Business Communication

Post 1

The success of a business largely depends on the communication forms used in the organization. With the increase of technological advancement in the digital age, organizations and business owners have taken advantage of the development to enhance communication. Technological advancements have led to the development of social media platforms such as Facebook, where business people interact with…………….

Post 2

Post 1 describes the characteristics that make Facebook an effective method of business communication. The post also addresses the attributes of Facebook that attracts most of its users in the digital age. However, the author fails to write the post comprehensively. For instance, the post fails to provide various examples of cases where Facebook has been used successfully. Additionally, the writer fails to provide a critical analysis of the business communication method……………..

Post 3

From the discussion forum, I have learned various aspects of business communication. For instance, I have learned that effective business communication helps to maintain professionalism and a good relationship between the sellers and the customers. Therefore, it is upon all the organizations to develop a business communication method that would be used to run the operations within the organization. Additionally,…………………………………To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.