[Solution] COIT20251 Assessment 1

Weekly Portfolio

Assessment Task
This task is to develop five weekly portfolios using the readings from each week, i.e. a portfolio each week from Week 1 to Week 5. Each portfolio should demonstrate your reflection on the corresponding week’s topic mentioned below (6 readings as below).
Six Readings:
• Week 1 – The Role of Business Analyst: Chapters 1 and 2, Prescribed text.
• Week 2 – Strategic Management: Chapter 3, Prescribed text
• Week 3 – The Business Analysis Process Model: Chapter 4, Prescribed text
• Week 4 – Investigation Techniques: Chapter 5, Prescribed text
• Week 5 – Stakeholder Analysis and Management: Chapter 6, Prescribed text
Each portfolio is about the development of an annotated bibliography for each different reading material(s) (300 words per annotated bibliography). Note that Week 1 involves two chapters for readings, hence we expect the Week 1 portfolio to contain two annotated bibliographies about two readings.
For each annotated bibliography, you need to start by providing a clear reference (as each listed reading item is ordered as 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., and 6.) i.e. each different reading material is a different reference and has a different annotated bibliography. Provide a clear reference in each portfolio first. Next, you must remember to start each of the following items in a new paragraph on a new line:
a) A concise and effective summary,
b) Your critique on what the reading has not covered well or is inadequate in the contents and
c) The shortcomings (or a knowledge gap) that you identified in the reading, such as important issues that have not been discussed, but are very much needed as key issues to be considered and included in a reading.
Submission Guidelines
Allow not more than 300 words per annotated bibliography for each reading material every week.
For each annotated bibliography, you need to include each chapter or reading, i.e. each different reading material, as a separate reference in each portfolio.
Ensure you use the template file to start developing all your work tasks. Follow the instructions closely.
All the portfolios must be free from any grammatical and spelling errors.
You will copy the weekly portfolio contents into the related part of the Assessment 1 template as a MS Word file
Submit your MS Word file through the related assessment link provided on the unit Moodle website.
Use either the Harvard Year Date referencing style or APA referencing style.
An Abridged Guide to the Harvard Referencing Style is available through the link:
https://www.cqu.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0022/44392/HarvardGuideT12019final2.pdf An Abridged Guide to the APA Style is available through the link:



Business Analysis

Week 1 – The Role of the Business Analyst: Chapters 1 and 2, Prescribed text.

Paul, D., Cadle, J., & Yeates, D. (Eds.). (2014). Business Analysis (Third Ed.). United Kingdom: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.

Business analysis involves various techniques and tasks applied to work as a liaison among different stakeholders to comprehend the operations, policies, and structures of an organization. It is driven by high business complexity, high need for business analysts to manage compound projects, and innovative solutions that depend on the comprehension of business strategy. Business analysis is vital to the understanding of different dynamics that are attached to corporate activities. Through the concept,………..

Week 2 – Strategic Management: Chapter 3, Prescribed text

Paul D., Yeates, D., Cadle, J., 2010 Business Analysis, British informatics Society Ltd,

The reading looks into business strategy as a long-term plan that directs a firm into the achievement of profitability and continued growth. The authors appreciate various levels of strategic plans, sources of power, and strategy implementation in a corporate setting. Business analysts have a vital role to play in business. The strategy execution framework involves various…………………………To access the rest of the solution at $10, please click on the purchase button.