[Solved] MKTG6002/MKT600 Marketing

Assessment 2: Marketing Plan

Learning Outcomes
This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes:
a)Critically evaluate underpinning marketing theories and principles and appropriate research process to collect, store and use of data to generate customer insights;
Critically evaluate customer needs to create value for customers by deploying the resources of the organisation in best possible ways;
c) Critically evaluate the impact of an organisation’s marketing mix strategies on its stakeholders.

Instructions: This assessment task builds on the Situation Analysis that you undertook in Assessment 1. This assessment task requires you to expand the remaining steps of the marketing plan to:
•Articulate your learning about marketing theories, concepts and principles covered so far to demonstrate your level of understanding of them to develop a marketing plan;
•Articulate the link between marketing theories and practices;
•Demonstrate an acceptable level of research skills to reveal the insights;
•Apply appropriate business report writing skills;
•Use the appropriate in text citation nd a reference list in your written work. You should provideat least 15 high quality marketing references to show quality of research. STRICTLY adhere tothe APA style in referencing. Please see more information on referencing here:http://library.laureate.net.au/research_skills/referencing
•Demonstrate a logical flow and cohesiveness in the analysis and discussion.
Scenario: This assessment requires you to act like a consultant to help an organisation develop a winning marketing strategy that wants to introduce a new product or expand its business/markets.
This part of the assessment is a follow-up to the Situation Analysis that you provided in assessment one. Therefore, you need to revisit assessment 1 and the feedback from your facilitator. Then, develop a complete marketing plan for this assessment to:
1.Develop a marketing plan – The aspects that you should include are:
a.Identify objectives and issues as well as marketing logic to create customer value;
c.Action programmes – how marketing strategies will be turned into specific actions that answer What willbe done? When will be done? Who will do it? and How much will it cost (budget )? and controls.

To start this task.
2. Outline the followings:
a. Define clearly the value proposition of your chosen business, product or the brand;
b. Critically evaluate the business’s situation (provide a summary of SWOT/TOWS analysis from the assessment 1 and suggest appropriate marketing mix strategies:
c. Product – define the product attributes/features to reflect your value propositionsYou are advised to review the threes levels that are accompained with a product and discussproduct line and mix strategies;
d. Pricing – describe the pricing strategy (cost-based, value-based and competition) that yourecommend to the senior management of the organisation and justify your choice;
e. Distribution – outline the distribution strategies, you should discuss a specific distribution strategy (s) – intesive, selective and exclusive. You also need to discuss channel strategies (i.e., direct and/or indirect, channel levels – single vs. multiple);

f. Promotion – outline the promotion strategies you would recommend (i.e., pull vs. push) . You also need to discuss promotional mix strategies (i.e., advertising, salesmanship, sale promotion, publicity and public relations) as well as media strategies. Please beware that your marketing strategies should be aligned with the value proposition as well as the organisation’s mission, vision and objectives.


Bounty Bags Marketing Plan

Executive Summary

Marketing plans are instrumental in guiding business entities on the way to get their products and services to clients in the market. Bounty as a company has a wide brand recognition in Australia as its go-to partner during pregnancy and early parenthood phases. The company’s main target market is the new parents, more so first time mothers because they lack the know-how of bringing up their newly born children. The main benefit attached to Bounty’s products is that they offer both physical commodities and educative support in guiding new parents on the manner in which to handle different parentage matters…………………….

Current marketing situation

Bounty is a commercially established brand that has, over time, been generating trusted support and info to expectant parents from the initial trimester of their pregnancy to the ones with toddlers, for more than 35 years. By reaching out to 80% of all the new parents and expectant mothers, an excess of 500,000 Bounty Bags are distributed by the company’s representatives to hospitals in Australia and beyond per annum. Over time, the brand has evolved to including a new digital destination, bountyparents.com.au, offering mothers and fathers with guidelines, expert advice, real user reviews, consumer-voted awards, and trusted product ratings. The company’s offering is continuing to grow in a bid to include multi-platform solutions that will, in the long run, enable its advertising partners to connect with clients at every life stage, from expectancy to all the parenting milestones…………………………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.