[Solved] INF 80018 Enterprise Architecture, Strategy and Governance

Assignment 2

Application landscape diagrams are very useful tools for describing business and technology constraints within an application portfolio and highlight platforms and systems that are out-of-support, extensively customized, not fit-for-business purpose, costly, process bottlenecks as well as other technology and business constraints and risks. Generally, an enterprise architect will begin the review of an existing application portfolio with a landscape diagram to demonstrate the extent to which an existing application portfolio supports a new organizational strategy or initiative.

Assignment Task

  1. Please complete the two tasks described below.

Build an application landscape diagram (like the example below), but for Swinburne University. Identify the key business competencies (e.g. Customer Management) and related functions.

2. Provide a one-sentence description for each of the key business competencies. These descriptions must follow the following format.

  • Business competency name – one sentence description.
  • Business competency name – one sentence description.

Business competency name – one sentence description.



Landscape diagram

The landscape diagram is a structure as well as a cognizant arrangement of immensely imperative information frameworks, administrations, and business objects. It also includes modules, functionalities, building squares, software applications, parts, interfaces, databases, and their stages, advances, sorts, and between conditions, concerning business congruity.

Key Business Competences

Key business competencies are the abilities that take into consideration achievement in the business world. They facilitate an entity’s ability to serve its purpose and satisfy its target customers or audience in the market. Without these skills, organizations may discover the assignment of building up and keeping up their organizations more troublesome than they generally would be. Even though some of these abilities are inborn, a large number of them can be created or improved with a deliberate exertion (Akhtar et al., 2018)……………………………To access the rest of the solution at $10, please click on the purchase button.