[Answered] NR360 Week 2: Database Search

NR360 Week 2: Database Search

Choose a topic related to health that has meaning to your personal health, interests, and well-being. This may be a disease, such as diabetes, or a healthy fitness activity.

Conduct a database search comparing one of the following database directories with Google Scholar.

  • CINAHL and Google Scholar
  • PubMed and Google Scholar
  • CINHAL and PubMed

Explain how you were able to narrow down the number of article hits you had initially, and present within your post a summary of the credible article you chose as your resource. How do you know your article choice is credible? Which database do you prefer and why?

How will using a database search facilitate your:

  • scholarly work;
  • nursing work (evidence-based practice); and
  • personal self-development?



Hi class,

I compared “college student sleeping habits” searches on CINAHL and Google Scholar. On CINHAL, I narrowed my search to 2017-2021 and peer-reviewed articles and received 2,712 results. On google scholar, I narrowed the search to 2017-2021, and, as Professor Sheridan mentioned, was not able to narrow down to peer-reviewed articles. I received 17,500 results.

I chose an article from CINAHL “Research on Freshman and Sleeping Habits: A Text Message-Based Sleep Intervention” (Jones, et al., 2020). I know this article is credible because it is from………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5