[Solved] NR566 Week 6: Quiz Writer

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions. 

1.  Quiz-item writing 

    • Develop five (5) quiz-type questions related to the content/reading assignments for this week. 
    • Use a clinical-based scenario in at least one question. 
    • Use multiple-choice, select all that apply, or matching question format.   
    • Post your five (5) questions in the weekly discussion board. Do not provide answers to your five (5) questions in the initial post. 

2.  Respond to a peer.  Preferably one who has not yet received a response. 

    • Answer the five (5) quiz questions posted by one student peer. Answer questions that have not been responded to unless there are no available posts without a response already.  
    • Provide an evidence-based rationale for each of your answers to the five (5) questions.  
    • Provide a citation and matching reference is required from the course textbook for each of the five (5) rationales.  
    • Provide one evidence-based learning point related to the quiz questions.  Provide a current (within 5 years) citation and matching reference.  Sources may include course textbook, professional organizations, clinical practice guidelines, research studies, etc.  

3.  Respond to the peer who provided answers to your five (5) quiz-type questions.  If more than one peer responded to your questions, you only have to answer one (the first one preferably).  

    • Identify the number of correct answers to the five (5) quiz-type questions.  
    • Provide an evidence-based rationale for any incorrect answers as you explain the correct answer.  
    • Include a citation and reference for the correct answer from the assigned textbook for the course.  
    • Use positive and supportive communication to support a positive learning environment.  



Professor and Class,

Here are the 5 quiz questions for this week.

  1. A 24-year old female arrives at the clinic for continued migraine headaches. She has tried nonpharmacological therapy and is ready for medication that can help relieve her symptoms. The provider prescribes Sumatriptan. What response shows the patient has proper understanding of the medication?
  2. “This medication will help prevent migraine headaches.”
  3. “Sumatriptan tastes really good.”
  4. “I will use oral contraceptives to prevent pregnancy but if I become pregnant I will contact you to change medications.”
  5. “I will never have another headache again as long as I keep taking it.”


  1. Antiseizure medications can affect oral contraceptives. If taking oral contraceptives and antiseizure medications, the provider will think about
  2. Increasing the dose of the antiseizure medication
  3. Increasing the dose of the oral contraceptive
  4. Decreasing the dose of the oral contraceptive
  5. Decreasing the dose of the antiseizure medication.


  1. Combination therapy for Parkinson’s (Levodopa/Carbidopa) are known to cause adverse effects, which effects are common, select all that apply:
  2. Postural Hypertension
  3. Diabetes
  4. Hallucinations/nightmares
  5. Dyskinesias
  6. Fractures


  1. Match the following medications with their therapeutic indication.

Amantadine                               Can be used for the “off” times of levodopa therapy

Levodopa/Carbidopa                Can be used for the “wearing off” period

Entacapone                               1st Line drug for initial therapy

Rasagiline                                  May help reduce levodopa-induced dyskinesias


  1. A patient started Donepezil 10mg daily for severe Alzheimer’s 4 weeks ago. Patient reports today that symptoms are not getting better. When would you expect the provider to increase the dose?
  2. In 2 weeks
  3. At today’s clinic visit
  4. Labs must first be drawn to determine safe levels

d. After 3 months