[Answered] HIST420N Week 1 Course Project Milestone: Topic Choice

HIST420N Week 1 Course Project Milestone: Topic Choice

Throughout this course, you will be working on a final project. There will be a few weeks where your assignment will revolve around this project. The Course Project culminates with an original research presentation based on your historical research due in Week 7. Review the full instructions in located in Week 7 so that you are aware of the final requirements.

The purpose of this presentation is to identify and analyze a significant historical event using concepts learned in class. The event must take place within the time frame of 1492 to 1990.

The following schedule will help you plan your time for the project:

The first step for your project is to pick a topic that fits this description:

  • The topic must be historic in nature.
  • The topic must cover an event or theme that falls between 1492 and 1990.
    • Example of an event: the Fall of the Alamo
    • Example of a theme: Immigration from Mexico to the United States in the 1950s
  • The topic must be related to North America primarily.
    • Example of invalid topic: The Conquest of the Inca

You may need to flip ahead in the textbook or lessons to see if there is something more modern that catches your eye for this project.

Conduct preliminary research locating at least two sources on the topic.

Submit your topic and a brief description consisting of one paragraph. Do not use any direct quotes for this brief description, explain the topic in your own words.



The Mexican-American War (1846-1848)

The conflict under consideration, the Mexican-American war, which started in 1846 and lasted two years, is notable for its role in the history of the relationships between the countries. This event reflects the attempts to expand the territory by the United States’ leaders and the resistance of Mexico, which could not be overcome in a peaceful manner. In this way, the problems began when U.S. President James K………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5