[Answered] HIST420N Week 4 Course Project Milestone: Outline

HIST420N Week 4 Course Project Milestone: Outline

Throughout this course, you will be working on a final project. There will be a few weeks where your assignment will revolve around this project. The Course Project culminates with an original research presentation based on your historical research. The purpose of this presentation is to identify and analyze a significant historical event using concepts learned in class. The event must take place within the time frame of 1492 to 1990.

The following schedule will help you plan your time for the project:

Week Due Activity
Week 1 Topic Selection
Week 3 Annotated Bibliography
Week 4 Outline
Week 5 Practice Research Presentation
Week 7 Final Research Presentation

Over the past few weeks, you have been examining your selected topic in greater detail. The next step is to create an outline for this project.

The outline should cover the many aspects your presentation will cover, but in a bullet point fashion. Please try to keep descriptions of each bullet point to 1-2 sentences. This is more of a brainstorming exercise to help you focus on constructing the structure of your presentation.  A good outline can make writing the paper, or in this case creating a presentation, much easier because your ideas have already been set up and you can concentrate on writing content over creating it.

Use the following structure for your outline:

I.  Introduction

II.  Main point 1

A.  Detail 1
B.  Detail 2

III. Main point 2

A.  Detail 1
B.  Detail 2

IV.  Main point 3

A.  Detail 1
B.  Detail 2

V. Conclusion




The Mexican-American War (1846-1848) Outline

  1. Introduction: The Mexican-American war has remained an iconic piece of contemporary Hispanic history in America. Indeed, the Americans have always treated the war as a driving force that has created human civilization as it displaced the week with the stronger population. When conflicts arise, many Americans have been reflecting on humanity’s experiences as solutions to the problems experienced from the war.

Main Point 1: The historical account compares civil wars and the art of Mexican American war to define journalistic aspects in the American civilization………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5