NR631 Week 4: Collaboration Cafe: Communication in Project Management

NR631 Week 4 Collaboration cafe Communication in Project Management

Communication in Project Management

Think about all of the stakeholders and colleagues that must be kept up to date on the status of your project. The recipient of your communication may be upstream (higher on the organizational chart), lateral (an equal organizationally), or downstream (i.e. end user) in relation to the project. A student in a prior CGE course compared communication in project management to the five rights of medication administration…we need to give:

  • The right person
  • The right information
  • (via) the right route
  • (at) the right time
  • (in) the right dose

Identify two people, at two different levels (upstream, lateral, downstream) that you need to communicate with for your project and compare/contrast your communication with them based on each of the five rights of communication.



Professor and class,

One upstream stakeholder is the unit manager for surgery.  While my facility has three surgery departments within it, my project is taking place primarily in the outpatient surgery unit located here in town.  Since my mentor and I started planning to implement this new tool, there are two new managers in the three departments.  One of the new managers was promoted from within, is aware of my project, and completely on board with the new communication tool.  However, the other is new to the facility and has just started orientation………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $10