[Solved] NR228 Week 8: Team Presentations

NR228 Week 8: Team Presentations

This week, one member of your team will be responsible for posting your team presentation to the discussion thread that corresponds with your team. This must be posted by Monday of Week 8 by 11:59 p.m. MT.

  1. Critique a team presentation other than your own, and include what the presentation taught you and what is identified in the nutritional analysis.
  2. What changes in the presentation would you recommend? Why?
  3. Ask questions! Each team is responsible for responding to questions asked of their presentation.

Remember to include sources of literature in your posts to back up the statements you make. Remember, we are all about evidence-based practice!



  • Critique a team presentation other than your own, and include what the presentation taught you and what is identified in the nutritional analysis.

After viewing the comparison between Omaha Pediatric Hospital and Camp Bernie YMCA I am highly surprised that facilities such as this still lack adequate nutritional options for children. I was personally drawn into your presentation because of your incorporation of the YMCA Foundation. My son personally attended the YMCA camp………..please follow the link below to purchase the solution at $5