Students are required to work in a team (three to 5 members). Each individual student is required to select a
journal article on some area of project management leadership related to the course, or extending the course
ideas, and write a blog reviewing the journal article, providing a critique of the ideas including conclusions and
lessons learned (approximately 1000 words). The review should be supported by references from literature,
demonstrating wider reading and critical thinking. Each team member’s blog will be reviewed by the other team members (approximately 100-150 words per review).
Each team member will be required to review two other team member’s blogs.
Each team will submit the aggregated blogs, articles and team members’ reviews. Team blogs maybe created in
Word, in Moodle (using e.g. ePortfolio) or some other forum.
NOTE: Each student should confirm the appropriateness of their journal article with the course lecturer and/or
tutor completing this assignment. A list of suggested topic areas is provided below:
• history of project management in IT
• leadership and power
• IT project selection methods
• IT project scope management
• estimate activity durations
• estimate costs
• managing project teams
• models of change
• sources of conflict
• project control


Leadership Blog

Project management involv7es the planning and organization of an entity’s resources to achieve a given task, event, or obligation towards execution. Often, the success or failure of a given project is squarely attributed to the manager. In this respect, Rodgers (2019) points out project success as a factor of the input of the entire team, rather than the manager alone. The project manager alone cannot lead an undertaking to success because it takes the effort of various individuals to achieve tasks in an organizational setting. From my point of view, the project manager is only a coordinator and organizer of all the activities. At the same time, the team is actually the vehicle driving achievement of project goals and objectives. However, it is essential to appreciate that the overall responsibility remains with the management team. In this blog, there is a critical interrogation of this matter and the point at which the balance lies.

In a typical project setting, different people come with their individual self-interests and agency comprehensions. The intensity of the……………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.