NU-646 Week 4 Discussion 1: Rogers, Person-Centered Therapy

NU-646 Week 4 Discussion 1: Rogers, Person-Centered Therapy

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This week’s discussion deals with Carl Rogers and his patient-centered approach to therapy. The core of Rogers’ therapeutic approach involves 1) trying to genuinely understand the client, 2) genuinely and unconditionally caring about the client, and 3) being authentic in the therapeutic relationship.

  • What do you think of these conditions for change, growth, and drawing out the potential of the client?
  • Are there aspects of his approach you have concerns about or disagree with?
  • What do you like and dislike most about his approach?
  • How is empathy, therapeutic communication, and positive regard integrated into this therapy modality?
  • What diagnoses would you correlate best with this therapy modality, and why?



Hello professor and class,

Rogerian therapy provides for congruence, which refers to therapists being genuine authentic, and real with their clients. The inner experiences and outward expressions match in congruence where therapists illustrate that they are trustworthy (Swan et al., 2020). This results in the establishment of a healthy therapeutic relationship, which draws the potential in clients. The model encourages clients to be in their true selves, and express themselves frankly, devoid of any sort of false front………………………………..$10