[Solved] NU-646 Week 15 Assignment 2: Final Desk Guide and Video

NU-646 Week 15 Assignment 2: Final Desk Guide and Video


In this assignment, you will complete the development of your desk guide. You should have quite a bit of information added to your desk guide by now.

The following topics should be addressed:

  • Week 2 Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Week 3 Self Injurious Behavior
  • Week 4 Anxiety Disorder
  • Week 5 Major Depressive Disorder
  • Week 6 Assertiveness
  • Week 7 Suicide Assessment
  • Week 8 Trauma PTSD
  • Week 9 Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (postpartum depression)
  • Week 11 Substance
  • Week 13 Grief

***As an example, in Week 7 a copy of. The Columbia-Suicide Severity Scale (C-SSRS) with scoring would be an appropriate tool to have a copy of in your notebook.

After you have completed your desk guide for this module, you are to share some helpful information, links, resources, etc. with your peers by posting to this assignment. You can add additional information gained in your preceptorships and share that with your colleagues as well.

For this week 15, you will need to upload a video presentation of your desk guide. in the form of screening or assessment instruments/tools with psychometrics/scoring information to receive full credit.

After your recording is complete, follow these instructions to create an unlisted YouTube video. You will need the YouTube video URL for this assignment. Submit your YouTube video URL. The best way to do this is to copy and paste the hyperlink URL for the YouTube video into a Word document. Your faculty will access your video via the link. Do not upload a video file (mp4).

You may use Zoom, Skype, or your personal preference to record your video presentation.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.



Week 2

Autism Disorder (ASD) is a neurological state that adversely impacts social interaction, speech, and behavior in children. Repetitive behaviors, limited interests, and/or trouble with social interaction and communication are all symptoms of ASD. ASD can be mild, moderate, or severe, and it’s diagnosed using DSM of Mental Disorders’ criteria. The medicine administered for an autism spectrum disorder person will differ depending on the individual’s specific symptoms. Antipsychotics, antidepressants, and stimulants are some of the most prevalent forms of medication recommended for ASD.

Week 3

Self-injurious behavior (SIB) is a term that refers to any purposeful and intentional harm that a person causes to themselves. Self-harm like cutting or biting, suicidal behavior, and/or any other………………………..$10