[SOLUTION] NSG4055-Illness & Disease Management across Life Span CP02 Week 4 Discussion

Topic 1

Review the Healthy People 2030 objectives for the older adult.

  • Of the objectives listed for the older adult, which two do you feel are most important. Include examples and references to support your response.

Topic 2

There are several vulnerable populations who are susceptible to chronic illnesses (older; homeless; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations) and who face challenges when it comes to care.

  • Choose one vulnerable population and identify chronic illnesses to which they might be susceptible.
  • Identify challenges they face related to one of the identified chronic illnesses.
  • Discuss what can be done to help alleviate these challenges.



Hello professor and peers,

I chose to address topic two on the vulnerable populations to chronic diseases with a specific focus on older adults. The aging population is often at a higher risk of contracting chronic illnesses due to various age-related changes in the body. Some of the most significant changes include a gradual decline in immunity levels, complexity of body stature, long health history from previous illnesses, and weakening body parts (Faronbi et al., 2019)…………………….$7