[SOLUTION] NSG4028-Concepts of Teaching & Learning CP01 Week 1 Discussion


Post your initial response to one of the two topics below.

Topic 1

Critique your Personal Education Philosophy

a. Reflect on your personal education experiences and how you have developed your unique education philosophy.

b. Provide examples of positive learning experiences.


Topic 2

Learning Theories and Personal Motivation

a. Describe learning theories as they relate to your personal motivation to successfully increase your nursing knowledge.

b. Discuss potential barriers to learning.


Discussion Board: Education Philosophy and Personal Experiences

Topic #1

Choosing to pursue a nursing career is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, as it was through this pursuit that I discovered my passion and interests in the healthcare field, leading me to develop a unique educational philosophy. My unique education philosophy has been as a result of the positive and negative educational experiences. As much as……………………….$7