NSG4028-Concepts of Teaching & Learning CP01 Week 3 Discussion


Post your initial response to one of the two topics below.

Topic 1

Blooms Application

Apply Blooms taxonomy to a new concept you have learned within the RN-BSN program.

a. Reflect on how you would teach this concept to a nursing peer.

b. Construct three learning objectives containing appropriate active verbs.

c. Identify a possible teaching strategy for each of your objectives.

d. Indicate how you plan to measure each objective.

Topic 2

Technology and Teaching

Identify technology you would include within a patient education scenario.

a. Provide information related to setting, patient, and topic

b. Discuss your rationale for choosing a technology tool

c. Explain your lesson and how you would evaluate learning.



Hello professor and class,

For this discussion, I chose to interrogate the application of Bloom’s taxonomy in the learning process of concepts in nursing. The approach provides educators with a sufficient framework for helping learners by fostering remembering and understanding of information. The approach aims to guide learners on how to apply knowledge through critical thinking, which involves analyzing and evaluating information. Bloom’s taxonomy also seeks to make the learning process……………………………$7