[SOLUTION] NSG4028-Concepts of Teaching & Learning CP01 Week 5 Discussion


Post your initial response to one of the two topics below.

Topic 1


a. Provide examples of previous mentors who have enhanced your learning experiences.

b. Describe methods utilized by your mentors to improve educational experiences.

c. Discuss the impact on your nursing practice.


Topic 2

Formative and Summative Learning Assessment

a. Create a teaching scenario that includes formative and summative learning assessments.

b. Discuss how you would communicate your findings with the learner.

c. Provide examples of positive vs. discouraging learner feedback.



Dear professor and peers,

Topic #1

I chose to base my initial response on the first topic interrogating the aspects of mentoring. Mentoring is a critical aspect of the learning process through school work and in the actual work experience. The choice of mentor is a significant element since the mentor chosen should align with your career goals and direction in life (Du Toit., 2020). Mentors only enforce the characteristics are within the individual and give direction of how best to…………………………..$7