[ANSWERED] NSG4028-Concepts of Teaching & Learning CP01 Week 2 Project Course Project—Part 1

Course Project—Part 1

In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, develop the introduction for your project. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper. Be sure to focus on one (1) disease but three (3) audiences (patient, family and staff development). The introduction should:

  • Contain the title of the lesson.
  • Identify and describe the learners.
  • Describe the educational setting:
    • Staff development
    • Patient education
    • Family education
  • Include learner assessments:
    • Educational level
    • Developmental level
    • Readiness to learn, and so forth.
  • Provide a purpose and rationale for selecting the topic/disease.
  • Describe the philosophical or theoretical basis for teaching approaches used in the lesson.
  • Support criteria with relevant examples and journal articles.



Concepts of Teaching & Learning

Diabetes management is a critical medical issue due to the high prevalence of the condition in most developed countries. The condition is among the most significant health burdens in the US and is among the top ten causes of mortality globally. In this regard, creating sufficient knowledge on its management and prevention is crucial. Therefore, this paper seeks to outline the education concept in diabetes management, including a description of the educational setting, the target audience, learners’ assessment, theoretical approaches used, and the rationale for topic selection. The management of this condition is a collaborative effort between the patients, their families and……………..$15