[Solved] Article Summary and Analysis


Each week you will select an article from a business periodical which generally relates to this course and write a brief summary and analysis. When choosing articles for this weekly assignment, you should ask yourself “Would this article be interesting to a student in this course or to someone who is working as a business professional?” This is an individual project.
Each article analysis assignment shall include four parts:
Title of the article, date of publication, and author (note: The Economist does not provide author’s names on articles) of the article that you selected;
A paragraph(s) summarizing the content and context of the selected article;
A paragraph (or more) of your reflections where you clearly and succinctly analyze the article, reflecting on its meaning as it relates to your coursework in this class and/or its usefulness for business professionals seeking to become legally-astute managers, entrepreneurs, government regulators, etc. This analysis paragraph should include at least two references to the readings, resources, and/or discussions which are covered in the course; and,
A link (URL) to the article
Recommended sources for your article:
This week we learned Chapter 2 (Pages 40-45 only) and Chapter 23
Cross & Miller, The Legal Environment in Business.
Chapter 2 (Pages 40-45 only): Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Chapter 23: Administrative Agencies


Article Analysis

Legal provisions in different global jurisdictions bind both local and foreign business entities. Investors and corporate leaders have to adhere to administrative regulations advanced by the government of the day in controlling commercial activities. The article selected for this analytical piece is entitled, “Companies Colluding to Fight Climate Change Don’t Need to Worry About Antitrust Laws,” from The Washington Post. Hundt appreciates that some of the regulatory measures are more detrimental than developmental to business entities. For instance,……………………………To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.