[Solved] HCS 531 Week 5 Individual Assignment Reimbursement and Pay-for-Performance


Evaluate how reimbursement data can be used for pay for performance incentives. How important is it to have a dedicated position to focus on the details of the various plans? What are some strengths and pitfalls around paying attention to details in healthcare reimbursement?


Pay for Performance

The Affordable Care Act of 2010 develops multiple new Medicare programs that are intended to enhance the quality of healthcare. The enhancement is achieved through “pay-for-performance” payment strategic plans that exert fiscal pressure on medical providers (Nix, 2013). In such programs, recompense functions are a reflection of care providers’ performances based on compliance with various care procedures, client satisfaction, and desired patient outcomes………………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.