[Solved] Managing in a Global Economy


This discussion for class ” Managing in a Global Economy ”
Read the hand-out that I attached and express you opinion pertaining to the following discussion questions.
1. Identify the main threats and opportunities connected with doing business in Turkey?
2. In your view, what are LC WAIKIKI core competencies? Do those core competencies help to exploit the opportunities and offset the threats you detected?


Managing in a Global Economy

Different threats and opportunities exist in doing business in different parts of the world, Turkey included. From the case study, LC Waikiki seizes the opportunity of a ready market in the region. Along a six-lane highway in Istanbul, there are multitudes of customers perusing racks in search of their preferred clothes. The broad clientele base is a significant business opportunity in Turkey, and it is the reason for LC Waikiki intending to open more outlets in the region……………………………To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.