[Solved] M003 Individual Marketing Plan

Assignment 2 – End of Module Assessment

A marketing plan is a business document written for the purpose of explaining the
current market position of a business and its marketing strategy for the period
covered by the marketing plan. Marketing plans usually cover a period of one to five
years. The assessment will require all students to write an individual marketing plan
covering a period of one year. The purpose of a coursework 2 is to clearly exhibit the
steps or actions that have been taken to achieve the planned goals. For example, a
marketing plan might have a strategy to increase the organisation’s market share by
ten percent. The plan would then outline the strategy and steps that need to be
achieved in order to reach a ten percent increase in market share.
Marketing Plan for an existing company in your subject area.
As the final assignment for this module, you are required to write a Marketing Plan
assessing the CURRENT marketing strategies of an existing company in your
subject area from the list below. You should evaluate ONE company from the list
below and assess this company in the UK.
You will be evaluating:
S- Situational analysis (assessing the current macro and micro environment)
O- Objectives (TWO SMART objectives). These objectives will derive from the
TOWS analysis/company website etc.
S – Strategy (assessing the current strategies which relate to the 2 SMART
T – Tactics (assessing the current tactics which relate to the 2 SMART objectives)
A – Action (Please use a Gantt chart to help explain the actions as part of the
strategy and tactics)
C- Control (You can either investigate what the company is currently doing or make
suggestions via further reading.)
Evaluate ONE company from the list below. Your marketing plan should be UK
focused. This plan should identify the current ways the company is generating value
for stakeholders in the UK.
The marketing plan should follow the SOSTAC model. It is vital that all students read
and understand the marking rubric.
Please select a company in your subject area and one market offering
(product/service) from the company’s product portfolio.

Global Business Google, Samsung Electronics, General
Marketing Loreal Group, Facebook, Tesco
HR Proctor and Gamble (e.g. Pampers, SKII,
Fairy – select one company from their
Unilever (e.g. Dove, LYNX, PG Tips –
select one company from their portfolio)
Finance KPMG, American Express, Deutsche

This assignment should be presented in a standard marketing plan format of
between 2,000 – 2,500 words and submitted by Moodle.


Aldi Stores in Australia


Aldi is a multi-national hard-discount retail chain that was formed in the year 1948 by the Karl and Theo brothers in Germany. The low-price entity has proliferated over time into among the largest retailers around the world. The extensive growth of the organisation can be attributed to the strategic planning and management approach which establishes its vision and analyses the corporate environment. In Australia, Aldi opened its first store in Sydney in the year 2001, and after making high profits in the region, it added another 70 shops in the country in 2004. Over the years, Aldi has established itself as a household retail shop for people in Australia. Different micro and macro factors have defined the operations of the retailer in the country. Even with the increased growth in Australia, the organisation also faces various challenges that bar its expansion and operations. For instance, it faces stiff competition fro……………………………………….To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.