[Answered] NR532 Week 8: Collaboration Café Reflection Contemporary Leadership Approaches

Collaboration Café Reflection

Remember your introduction post? You described ways in which you are a leader and manager whether informally or formally. As you reflect on your comments, what have you learned that reinforces, challenges, or changes your perspectives? What areas have you learned you would like to intentionally develop?

A goal for most nurse administrators/executives is to transform nursing practice through leadership approaches. Most leaders have the capacity to become transformational in their leadership approaches, but to do so requires intentional self and professional development.

  1. Reflect on three concepts within contemporary leadership approaches that resonate with you as areas to work on as you follow the path in becoming a transformational leader.
  2. Create a SMART goal to move you along the path.



Professor and Class,

Contemporary leadership is modern leadership in the 21st century. The theory was introduced during the 1990s, and it helps in copying in the changing world. Some of the contemporary leadership skills include transformational leadership, charismatic leadership, transactional leadership, power and influence theory, and complexity leadership, amongst others. Contemporary leaders can effectively adapt to the changing environment. The contemporary leadership style focuses on the collaborative workplace approach, mentoring the employees, and having excellent decision-making skills………………………..$10