Direction: You are asked to browse and read Chipotle’s website regarding food safety link – https://www.chipotle.com/foodsafety

Please browse two additional online articles regarding chipotle foodborne illness outbreak. At the end of your online activity #2 responses, you need to include these two references.

Simply type your full name and question number (no need to type each question again!).

Suggested length: about 1 ½ or 2 pages (single-spaced).


  1. Some critics argue that chipotle was more vulnerable to foodborne illness outbreaks because of its fresh food emphasis. Browse the chipotle website and online articles of your selection. In addition to a fresh produce focus, what other aspects make chipotle more vulnerable to foodborne illness outbreaks, compare them to other restaurants?
  2. Chipotle changed some of its cooking methods and procedures (if you can find detailed information from https://www.chipotle.com/foodsafety). What disadvantages and/or advantages arise from such a decision for chipotle? Personally, do you feel that chipotle made a good decision? Why or why not?
  3. Review new food safety practices and procedures implemented by chipotle in the wake of foodborne illness outbreaks. (https://www.chipotle.com/foodsafety). What particular aspects do you wish to benchmark for the future in companies you desire to work, or applied to your current working environment? Or which practices may not be feasible or may be unrealistic in other foodservice operations?
  4. (EXTRA-CREDIT QUESTION) You are asked to look up two additional online articles regarding a chipotle restaurant and its related food safety issues. Briefly summarize two or three lesson (or new things) that you learned from these two articles. Please include citations at the end of your responses.


Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc.

Question One

About 48 million incidences of foodborne illnesses happen every year in the United States, leading to around 3000 deaths and other 127000 hospitalizations. The outbreak-related infections represent a minute share of the culture-confirmed infections. However, outbreaks are widely associated with significant diseases and play a vital part in the comprehension of the epidemiology of the foodborne illnesses (Gould, Rosenblum, Nicholas, Phan & Jones, 2013). In the recent past, the Chipotle restaurants have been forced to temporarily shut down some of its facilities after receiving complaints from customers. Reports showed that multiple customers fell sick after consuming food at the restaurant where they had illness symptoms such as vomiting, stomach pains, and diarrhea.

The management team embarked on repairing the corporate image and hence the primary objective was to assure the customers that the fears of the outbreak were over……………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.