[Solved] ART-1110-500 Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Picasso

Book Title: A World of Art, 8th Edition, by Henry M, Sayre. Pub. by Prentice Hal

Dedicate your paper to writing about this.  Use descriptive language and vocabulary from the class textbook (See the Syllabus) to describe the work as if you were describing to someone who cannot see it.  Then interpret the purpose and/or meaning of the work. The interpretation can be from your own interpretation or others who have written about it.  End with your own insights into the work, and whether or not you may agree with the artist, historian, and/or critics’ interpretation.  You may also consider how does the work connect to the rest of the world? How does it connect with other works of art?

Your paper should be two pages, typed, and double spaced.  It will be graded on meeting the length requirements, as well as clarity, effort and insight. Sources and secondary material must be referenced to maintain academic honesty. The sighting of any books or websites should be footnoted in your paper and included as a Reference page making a third page to your paper.

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Les Demoiselles d’Avignon by Picasso

The piece of art is a critical break from the ancient perspective and composition of the painting. It is a depiction of five undressed females with figures showing flat disintegrated planes and expressions appearing to be enthused by African masks and Iberian carving. The figures inhabit compressed spaces, and they seem to project frontward in pointed shards. There is a sharply pointy piece of melon in the tranquil lifespan of fruit beneath the configuration totters on an inverted tabletop. The artist uses the distortion of the female body and geometric forms innovatively, and this challenges the expectation that such works of art as a painting come with idealized representations of the beauty of the female body………………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.