[Solved] App Service | Microsoft Azure


Hosting solution

Describe fully the hosting solution

Where is the hosting located?

Who Owns or operates the hosting facility?

Where is the primary support location?

What are the hours of service

What is the problem escalation procedure?

Who is responsible for support issues?

What has been the average uptime in production for the last 3 years

Explain the outages

Describe the system’s ability to handle load balancing, redundancy and fault tolerance

*In human language:

In the event of a system outage, what are the standards of your SLA

How will the requester be notified of the outage

Disaster Recovery

Does the data center have certifications? (See certificates on PDF)

How often do you have audits to certify compliance and who audits the data center?

How is the web server segregated from the database server

Database encryption at rest

To what degree?

IDS/IPS Monitoring

Protecting End User Data

How is data protected from unauthorized access.

Protection of Data Against Other Users

Firewall protection set up and capabilities

Do you provide firewall monitoring?


Hosting solution

  1. Describe the hosting solution fully:

To build this application, we recommend using Microsoft Azure Services and specifically Azure App Services.

Azure is one of the leading cloud providers. Azure App services is a computer platform optimized for hosting websites and web applications. It is offered as Platform as a Service that is flexible and allows for users to focus on the business logic instead of the infrastructure. This means that Azure handles application deployment and management, allowing the developer to focus on app development mainly. Scaling is also easy since there are different tiers (packages) that one can choose with the ability to switch between these tiers as the app scales. App services support applications which are defined as “web apps,” “API Apps” and “Logic Apps.”

** I personally would not recommend Azure App Services for deployment. Although deployment and management are fully taken care of, there is a lack in terms of flexibility especially when it comes to server configurations and analyzing of performance issues. To deal with this problem, a much more pragmatic approach would be using Azure Cloud Services or Virtual Machines. The cloud services offer a more balanced blend of features. Although Virtual Machines offer full customization for things like multiple deployments, integration with MySQL and vertical scaling without the need to redeploy; configuring VMS takes time and quite some work.

Where is the hosting located?

It is a cloud-based platform that belongs to Microsoft. We only buy the infrastructure.

Who Owns or operates the hosting facility?

Azure is owned by Microsoft and is one of the leading providers of cloud providers. It is a platform offered as a service (PaaS)…………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $15, please click on the purchase button.