(Answer) Bilingual Education


Identify one key question/issue in bilingual education to research;(2)write a Policy Brief that
(a) outlines the most critical research around your selected focal questions/issues, and
(b) offers recommendations for practice and/or policy
The Research Brief or Policy Brief:
●Should be at least four pages in length and should not exceed five pages, excluding cover and reference pages.
●Must be written in American Psychological Association format, and
●Must include a minimum of five references.

My topic is based on program models for bilingual learners and the historical and legal foundations of bilingual education in the US. And also, I have already written about the one-page proposal and the professor gave me some feedback about my topic. I would post the document of the proposal [professor recommendation] for you.


Bilingual Education


Background: In this research brief, there is a comparison and contrast of the differences between the American School Movement and European School Movement. The cited differences are based on bilingual programs between the two settings. From a personal analysis, there is the examination of the merits and demerits of the two contexts of the educational approach. Additionally, the brief touches on the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). The final part of the research brief presents recommendations based on the desired changes in the United States education system.

Foreign language policy in Europe and the United States

Learners in both the United States and Europe face congruent tasks throughout their education. For example, both sets of students prepare for examinations and write papers similarly. However,…………………….To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.