(Answer) Philosophy of the Mind

These are the 4 Proposed Solutions to the Mind-Body Problem
1.Physicalism: there are only physical bodies containing physical aspects and mental aspects; mental states are aspects of the body (Russell, Spinoza)
2. Idealism: there are only nonphysical minds; bodies are just collections of ideas (Berkeley)
3.Parallelism: physical bodies and nonphysical minds operate in coordination, but without interacting. Minds and bodies only appear to interact due to a divine, “pre-established harmony” (Leibniz).
4.Dualism: physical bodies and nonphysical minds are distinct and independent kinds of substances that interact (Descartes)
Note: No outside research is necessary, but cite outside sources if you use them.


Body-Mind Problem


The mind-body problem entails a discussion regarding the association that exists between consciousness and thought within the human mind in one respect and the brain being a part of the physical body. The problem concerns the magnitude to which the body and the mind are the same or separate things. The chief rival answer to the body-mind problem is the concept of monism. The latter suggests that there is only a single fundamental kind, class of doctrine, or thing. It denies the existence of any difference or separation between the abstract concept of mind and the physical brain. The mind-body problem theory stands out from its chief rival answer because it addresses the elements of property and substance as far as brain and mind are concerned. The essay explicates the rival argument, criticizes it, outlines the implications of the chosen approach to the mind-body problem, and ends with the conclusion…………………………………To access the rest of the solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.