(Answer) Criminal Justice System


Please answer the following question: Do you believe the Criminal Justice System is broken? If so, what are its biggest issues? What are some improvements that can be made to fix these broken issues? How long do you envision these changes taking place? What problems can you foresee in the implementation of your new changes? Alternatively, if you don’t believe the CJ system is broken, what are its greatest assets? What changes were previously made that would have already fixed any deficiencies in the CJ system? Were these changes difficult to instate? What were the collateral consequences of said changes?


The Criminal Justice System

The United States criminal justice is broken. In the past four decades, the national incarceration rate has multiplied, hence creating a crisis where more than two million people are imprisoned. Instantaneously, re-offence rates have increased or remain significantly high across different demographic mappings, whereas crime rates have consistently declined (Kamalu & Onyeozili, 2018). Such dynamics imply that the region’s criminal justice system is in dire need of administrative and operational reforms. Enacting substantial improvements to the entire body could pass relief to communities and families in each state, district, and territory…………………………..To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.