(Answer) Organizational culture


Consider Chico State University as an organization. Discuss its culture as indicated in the university website, messages sent by teachers and administrators, and the activities of students. What is valued by the system? What are the traditions of the university? What are the expectations held for faculty and students? What is considered appropriate dress and behavior? What behaviors are taboo? What do you appreciate most and least about the culture on campus?


Social Work and Human Services

System values

Chico State University embraces the culture of academic excellence. The institution of higher learning has a unique combination of scholarly pursuits, civil engagements, and a real association with the Chico community. The organization’s system profoundly embraces human diversity. For example, members of staff come from highly dissimilar demographic backgrounds. 48.6% of them are female, whereas 53.6% are from minority ethnic groups. However, the university lacks political diversity because 85.2% of the workforce are Democratic Party members…………………………To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.