(Solution) PUBH6012: Capstone B: Applied Research Project in Public Health


This assessment advanced skills in reporting the justification, methods, results, and conclusions of a research project. Key understanding contained includes how to justify a research project using literature, how to implement a research proposal to collect and analyse data, how to report the results of the analysis of data, how to contextualise one’s own research in the context of the wider body of literature, and how to draw conclusions about future research and recommendations based on research. This prepares students for the conduct and reporting of research, which is an important skill set for public health practitioners.
Part 1: Due Sunday end of Module 1 Week 1
Based on the feedback from your Capstone A Research Proposal, revise your research plan and GANTT chart.
Submit these to your Capstone A facilitator by Sunday end of Module 1 Week 1. You may not proceed with your data collection until this has been approved by your supervising facilitator.



From the study, it is clear that infant unmet and maternal temperament expectations are strongly associated with depressive symptoms together with implications for the design of both the treatment and preventative strategies. The results further support the idea that social isolation and exclusion are vital determinants when it comes to maternal depression. The more mothers are secluded from other people, the higher the chances that they could end up experiencing postpartum depression over time. It is one of the most potentially detrimental risk factors (Eastwood et al., 2012).
Ideally, social support tends to promote healthy demeanors that, in totality, aid the prevention of excess weight gains at sensitive periods throughout a woman’s life. The study finds that great partner support among expectant mothers is highly associated with higher walking levels and low intake of trans-fat. Help from friends and family is marginally associated with………..To access the entire solution for $10, please click on the purchase button.