(Answer) Integrity Ethics


Topic is sexism
Our goal for this project is to convince your audience that a solution or plan that you are proposing will solve a particular problem or fulfill a particular need that you have identified.
Learning Outcomes
After completing this project, students will be able to:
To advocate for a particular position in a controversial topic or issue using deductive, inductive, analogical, and/or causal reasoning.
To organize a persuasive argument usine one of four organizational patterns in Chapter 10.
To build credibility through a combination of strategies explained in Chapter 8.
To reference the sources of your information through verbal attribution.
To create a preparation outline using principles of outlining in Chapter 10.
To deliver your presentation in ways that maintains credibility for you and inspires emotion in your audience.
To create and deliver a visual aid appropriately.
Time Limit
5 minutes
Grace period
30 seconds before and after the time limit (4:30-5:30) with a penalty of -2% for each block of 30 seconds you are under or over up to a maximum of 10%
For instance, speaking for 5:50 means your project will be assessed a -2% penalty. Whereas speaking for 6:03 would lead to a -4% penalty.
Your Persuasive Project contributes 20% to your final course grade.
Speaking Notes
Speaking notes are required for this project and will be submitted electronically on Isidore. Please do NOT email your speaking notes to your instructor. Your speaking notes will be based off of your Persuasive Preparation Outline and will include a list of cited references formatted according to your instructor’s specifications.
Project Specifics
1. Citing Sources: Five (5) credible sources
Dictionaries and encyclopedias, including Wikipedia, should not be used as part of your research for this assignment. Your instructor and our textbook will offer several appropriate research resources for you to explore. If you cite an encyclopedic source, such as Wikipedia, you may be assessed a penalty up to receiving a zero for the project. Please check with your instructor regarding the credibility of academic and/or specialized encyclopedias.
2. Visual Aid
During your presentation, you are required to use at least one visual aid. The aid should be incorporated in a way that assists you in making one of your persuaisve points and should be shared appropriately. Your instructor will discuss the particulars of which formats and methods for using visual aids they prefer.
3. Persuasive Preparation Outline
As part of strategically crafting your argument, you will work with a full-sentence outline called the preparation outline. Outlining principles are included in Chapter 10 and a sample preparation outline can be found in the appendix of your textbook. This outline will be submitted on Isidore and checked by the Turn-It In database.




Sexism refers to discrimination or prejudice that is based on an individual’s gender. The vice can affect any person, but it mainly distresses women and young girls. In the past, sexism has been associated with gender roles and stereotypes and may encompass beliefs that a particular gender or sex is intrinsically superior to the other.

Problem statement

The contemporary global society, more so in the developing world, is characterized by extreme sexism. As a result, women and young girls experience physical violence, rape, and other forms of sexual harassment. According to Jones and Clifton (56), gender discrimination encompasses………………………………To access the rest of the solution for $5, please click on the purchase button.